Friday, February 11, 2011

Sewing, motherhood and business

I've been officially open for business for only a few weeks, and already I'm feeling the stresses of being a  stay-at-home mom and a small business owner at the same time. I very happily spent an hour last night helping my daughter put together her Valentine's Day cards for her school party today. Which was a lovely way to pass the time, except that the party was YESTERDAY. And then as I marched Skoober up to his preschool class today, proudly showing off his adorable new monkey shirt (the twin of which I have for sale on Etsy) I saw another kid wearing his pj's. @#$%!! I had forgotten it was pj day at his school today.

And then my oldest son had forgotten his homework folder at school yesterday, so couldn't do his homework. That was not my fault at all, of course, but he was incredibly upset about it, and since I was already feeling guilty about everything else, I decided to heap that on the plate too.

Last week, I started to feel things slip a little. I totally, utterly forgot about Skoober's dentist appointment. I didn't even think about it until I got a passive aggressive postcard from the dentist saying, "We're sorry to have missed you! Please call us right away to reschedule."  I also completely forgot to help my daughter with her reading journal homework. Realizing that my brain was completely overflowing with all the random bits of information that mothers for centuries have had to keep track of, I turned to my husband for help. I told him that I cannot possibly be the only one who keeps on top of the homework, the school activities, the playdates, the social events, the housework, oh, and TWO brand new businesses all by myself. I asked him if he could help by being the homework backup; ie, could he also keep track of when important things were due, etc., etc.? This was not greeted with much enthusiasm. In fact, he looked downright put upon. Which is why, this week, Valentine's Day parties were missed and PJ day was overlooked.

Plus, I'm the only one in the darn house who will clean out the litterbox. I mean, really. It's just not fair.

But on a brighter note, I am heading up to San Francisco to do some fabric shopping. One of my favorite stores in the world has agreed to be a wholesale supplier for Bamblue Fabrics, so I'll hopefully be buying tons of new mama-knits and spending a busy weekend getting them all up on the site. I can't wait!

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